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Freitag, 16. August 2019

Shakespeare now and then

Day 13, Saturday, 24.08.2019

On our way to the airport

Last English breakfast at the airport
Day 12, Friday, 23.08.2019

Soho - Friday night
Our last night out in Soho Friday evening

Day 11, Thursday, 22.08.2019 

Day 10, Wednesday, 21.08.2019 

Heute haben wir eine East End Streetart Tour mit Jonnie von "A Bowl of Chalk" gemacht und hatten dabei das große Glück auf eine Ikone zu treffen. Thierry Noir arbeitete gerade mit Kids an einem Charity Projekt. Er hat in den 80er Jahren 5km der Berliner Mauer künstlerisch gestaltet und erzählte uns, dass er sogar ein Stück auf der anderen Seite angemalt hatte und dabei von Grenzsoldaten fast erwischt worden wäre. Was ein Erlebnis ihn zu treffen. Er wird hier der Vater der Szene genannt.
Jonnie unser Tour-Guide in East End. Die Drachen sind die Grenze von The City of London. Achtung: nicht das Gleiche wie London City.

Day 9, Tuesday, 20.08.2019 
Morgens: Führung im Globe
Am Abend warten wir auf den Beginn der 1. Aufführung "A Comedy of Errors". Wir stehen im "Pit" und sind "Groundlings" da wir die billigsten Plätzen (5£) genommen haben. Später während der Aufführung ist sitzen strengstens verboten. 2 std stehen kann schon auch anstrengend sein, vor allem wenn man viel am Tag gelaufen ist, aber wir sind ja schließlich auf Herausforderung!
Day 8, Monday, 19.08.2019

Day 7, Sunday, 18.08.2019

impressions of our last days

Day 3, Wednesday, 14.08.2019

Our first step included finishing the re-writing and scan it for mistakes and correct some bad language by reading it together.
After we´d done some warming-up games (walking around and someone says a number from one to ten: one means very shy and unmotivated and ten totally confident and motivated. Depending on the number, you have to walk like this),
we introduced our characters to each other with some questions on a paper and tried to get into our role.
We discussed our costumes (Humans- white, black, grey and fairies- colorful) and then dealt with our props.
We decided to create some symbols out of cardboard: hearts, wedding rings, lightning, angry father “Egeus”, workmen and a child.
At the end of the day we talked through our play and made corrections whenever it didn’t work out.
We’re going to spend the next two days at the Haus am Westbahnhof, practicing our play until we fly to London on Sunday. Within a week we’ll visit two plays at the Globe Theatre, go on city tours, explore the Museum of London and many other interesting places of London and Shakespeare’s life.

Day 2, Tuesday, 13.08.2019

After we were done with the background information yesterday, we started to work on our version of the play.
We talked about how we want to modify this play to make it our own.
At the end we had two options: replacing the characters with celebrities or politicians. we agreed on rewriting the play into a 21st century version with the same characters and with a statement to project some current political topics on our play too either before or afterwards.
Besides that we decided who is going to play which character.
And with that, we talked about our limit of the play and started to re-write scene 2.1 to 4.1.

Day 1, Monday, 12.08.2019

On our first day we talked about what we are most excited of in year 12 and the challenge.
Everyone wrote a list with goals they want to reach and what our expectations are, personally and for the whole group.
Afterwards we got to know something about our play “A Midsummer Night’s Dream” (which we chose before the challenge began) and the author himself, William Shakespeare.
We watched some scenes from a movie and also read other scenes to go into the play.
At the end we discussed how we can present some scenes from the chosen play.

1 Kommentar:

  1. Fortunately you will play in the Globe Theatre, I am always thinking to you. Wonderful
    Ralf Haug
